2812, 2015

Why It Is More Important For A Website To Be Functional than Pretty

By |December 28th, 2015|Website Development, Wordpress|Comments Off on Why It Is More Important For A Website To Be Functional than Pretty

When it comes to building an effective website for your online business, there will be a strong temptation to make it as attractive as possible. Given all the new features and possibilities, it is certainly understandable that you want your website to really shine. However, as an effective digital marketing platform a “pretty” website is […]

2112, 2015

Why Having Too Many Plugins Can Hurt Your Website Performance

By |December 21st, 2015|Website Development, Wordpress|Comments Off on Why Having Too Many Plugins Can Hurt Your Website Performance

When it comes to the performance of your online business, one of the most important aspects is how your website is perceived by the public. The old saying that you do not get a second chance to make a first impression certainly applies as a distracting, poorly created or simply annoying website will turn away […]

510, 2015

Why Professional Developers Choose WordPress Over WIX & Weebly

By |October 5th, 2015|Website Development, Wordpress|Comments Off on Why Professional Developers Choose WordPress Over WIX & Weebly

When it comes to building websites, there are few programs as popular as WordPress. Designed to be simple, yet infinitely expandable, WordPress has certainly earned a reputation that has allowed it to be used to build countless websites since its inception. However, there are two other popular web building platforms that also provide advantages as […]

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